Somos Luz creates magic lamps that express the consciousness and culture of Mexico.
Our Mission:
To heal humanity through light.
Using natural forms, biodegradable materials and artisanal techniques, we create eco-conscious products that support a calm nervous system and inspire creativity.
Our Origin:
Artist Katia Guzman, through deep spiritual practice, downloaded light codes which represent the essence and harmony of nature.
These designs generate an energetic frequency that amplifies balance and beauty in the collective consciousness.
Our Magic:
Fusing traditional artisanal techniques with modern design, we express a new craftsmanship grounded in Mexican roots. By merging old and new, human and machine, we dream a better world.
Through customization and flexibility we offer tools – a blank canvas – for everyone to co-create as an artist in their space.
We invite you to join us on this journey as we redefine spaces through light.
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